Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Intersport Helsinki Forum
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Helsinki, Finland
glenn waring waring
OK, but staff could be a bit more helpful.
No reviews yet.
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Intersport Espoo Sello
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Espoo, Finland
luv Mattaz
Sporty wears first both indoor and outdoor
Budget Sport Vantaa
Vantaa, Finland
Blue Lagoon
A good store for sports sports equipements
Intersport Kerava
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Kerava, Finland
Intersport Järvenpää
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Järvenpää, Finland
Hannu Toivanen
A sport store in the centre of Järvenpää. The store is not very big but the assortment is large enough for, I think, most amateurs. At least during my...
Intersport Espoo Suomenoja
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Elizaveta Gogoleva
Poor customer service in English
Budget Sport Espoo Suomenoja
Dipesh Shakya
Sports equipment and clothing shop of kesko group.
Intersport Espoo Iso Omena
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Vesa Seppänen
Sports store
Daria Stepanova
We've been buying football clothes for kids, staff were really helpful
Puistolan Palloiluhalli
Niki Emil Kalliomäki
Usually crowded, but a really nice place to play badminton , quite expensive though.
Puhos Center
Artturi Björk
Courts are ok, clean and high enough
Meilahti Sports Center
Jumper Sg1
It has great surroundings and the availability of the equipment is good even in rush hours
Intersport Lojo
Lohja, Finland
Miro Orava
Its great compared to its size. it has much clothes from quality brands such as seperdry. theres also a lots of sports equipment to choose from
Intersport Porvoo
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Porvoo, Finland
Henry Amaran
All brands are avilable in reasonable price
Varma Tennisklubi Vtk Ry
Katerina Smirnova
Good place, good price I like it
Tennis Club Kalastajatorppa
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Hector Villastrong
Nice place in a great location!
Tennis Center Tali
Angela Hellens
Creat tennis center and amazing tenniscoach
Smash-Tennis Ry
Ilkka Anttonen
Great exercise, friendly staff
Meilahden Tennis Oy
Kulosaari Tennis Courts
Trustfeed Score 4.4
pravesh bhatt
Ok but it's expensive 24 euro/hr
Hvs-Tennis R.Y.
Pekka Nurhonen
Hyvää tennispalvelutarjontaa
Taivallahti Tennis Center
Trustfeed Score 4.5
The management is so friendly, the courts are in amazing condition, they do great against Corona virus and the dog that is around the reception is lov...
Tenniskoulu Hedman Oy
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Anne-Maria Ylitapio
The best tennis in Helsinki.
Kaisaniemen Tenniskentät
Tuomas Lannes
Hyvä lokaatio ja massakentät.
Herttoniemenranta Sportspark Tennis Courts
Leena Lintu
Kentän vieressä lasten kiipeilypaikka jonka liukumäkeen on poltettu teevadin kokonen reikä. Putken päälle pääsee jopa 2 v kiipeämään neljän metrin ko...
Vrt Tennis, Metsälän Tenniskentät
Jacob Korvajarvi
This place has tennis field, basketmall field and football field.
Intersport Salo
Salo, Finland
F Blade
Friendly staff and reasonable pricess
Intersport Hyvinkää
Hyvinkää, Finland
Great sport shop
Ruoholahden Palloiluhalli
Juho Pekkinen
Biggest issue is the tiny tiny locker room and small number (two) of showers. Service is good, they give good advice on equipment and do small fixes l...
Intersport Nummela
Nummela, Finland
jarkko jii
Smash Center
Jaakko Räihä
Very nice place for tennis, squash, badminton and padel. Also has a gym and restaurant. Not very new, but everything is kept in good condition.
Campo Sportcenter Oy
Janne Heikkinen
No air con! Absolutely roasting/sweating my head off in there!
Intersport Turku Skanssi
Turku, Finland
Karl S
Good offer but relatively high prices. I prefer XXL
Budget Sport Turku
Andrii Domanskyi
Good quality sport clothing, shoes and equipment at a very reasonable price. But the selection could have been wider.
Intersport Raisio Mylly
Raisio, Finland
They had offers, but Only sizes in M and S
Torikadun Liikuntakeskus
Vivek Nigam
Good place for indoor tennis and some physical workout.
Vihdin Tennis Hall
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Heidi Häyrinen
Meluisa, kallis ja kovin kulahtanut halli.
Kalevan Urheilupuisto
Freezer Breadmachine
Future Olympic medalists train here Good combo of track&field, soccer, ice hockey and other premises but where is the skate park?
Espoon Verkkopalloseura
Juuso Ilmelä
THIFA 2020 mestaruus!
Intersport Hämeenlinna
Hämeenlinna, Finland
Some staff members are a bit unfriendly and not really interested.
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Matti Sandkvist
Easy reservations by internet, moderate prices, good tennis field.
Laaksolahden Tenniskeskus Oy
Shyam Krishna
Good for beginners n sports enthusiasts, court lights is a bit of concerns.
Tapiola Tennis Park
Jukka Hieta
Great condition
Oulunkylä Sports Park Tennis Courts
Great place for tennis outdoors, 9 free-to-play asphalt courts and lots of space
Rajakylän Tenniskeskus
Juhana Nieminen
Plenty of indoor badminton courts and a few tennis courts.
Nomac Sports Construction
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Tuusula, Finland
Ala-Malmin Tenniskenttä
Stanislav Andreev
Nice new tennis lane
Tuusula Tennis Center Ltd
Sofia Kokolaki
All the fields are very nice! The floor is great and the field at the back gives the opportunity for warm up drills before the game ! Very clean facil...
Järvenpään Tennishalli Oy
Sami Tarvainen
Hyvä valaistus ja kentän pintamateriaali. WC: eet puuttuvat.
Martinmäen Tenniskeskus Oy
Cedric Neergaard
Lovely tenniscourts and great service.
Lammin Tennisseura
Lammi, Finland
Jose Martinez
Good massage and friendly service
Grani Tennis R.F.
Denis Shestakov
Tennis, squash and badminton courts plus a small gym are here.
Länsi-Vantaan Tenniskeskus Oy
Mika Ilvesmäki
Good clay courts. Inside courts also.
Kannelmäen Liikuntapuiston Tenniskentät
Johnson Li
Great place for playing tennis. It is free.
Hiekkaharjun Tenniskeskus Oy
Nickolay Domansky
Good place for skiing in winter
Zenniz Oy
Panu Lindberg
Free tennis
Mäntsälän Tennis Courts
Mäntsälä, Finland
Siellä voi pelata tennistä
Keravan Tennishalli
Mikko Karvonen
Hangon Tenniskerho Ry
Hanko, Finland
Klaukkalan Tennishallit Oy
Klaukkala, Finland
Henrikki Honkanen
Intersport Lempäälä Ideapark
Lempäälä, Finland
Risto Hongisto
Good sport shop.
Prince Finland
Intersport Forssa
Forssa, Finland
Tarja Angelin
Tällä erää ihan asiantunteva ja auttava palvelu. Kausituotteita loppunut.
Valko- Pallo Ry
Helsingin Tennisstadion Oy
Meri-Rastilan Tenniskentät
Tomi Hägg
Loistavaa että jalkapallokentällä on iltaisin valot
Ekenäs Tennishall Ab
Ekenäs, Finland
Mangesh Vaidya
Nice place 6 different court to choose from
Tenniskenttä 1, Kartanonkosken Kenttä
Eevi Leppänen
You can play tennis, football, salibandy, and more. In the winter there's a nice icerink.
Puistolammen Tenniskentät
Markku Rouvala
Fantastic sporting courts in idyllic Hanko, these courts are inner in the duck ponds area with hard courts
Tuusulan Tennisseura Ry
Trustfeed Score 4.7
Jari Taskinen
Kelpo kentät tennikseen.
Mäntysalon Tenniskenttä
Nurmijärvi, Finland
Mikko Malin
Paras ja kaunein massapyhättö
Intersport Lahti Karisma
Lahti, Finland
Suvakkihuora 22
Amazing shopping centre
Budget Sport Ideapark
Stephen Nand-Lal
Amazing selection of sports gear, and unbeatable reductions on ice hockey kit.
Pihkala Tennis Courts
Good facility and several other sporting opportunities.
Pro-Jänne Ky
Helsingin Lawn-Tennis Klubi Ry
Laajasalon Tennishallit Oy
Marko Puruskainen
Great for training sports and afterwards snacks
Tennis Court
Loviisa, Finland
Skeppartrådgårdens Tennisplan
Tammisaari, Finland
Hämeenlinna Tennis Center Ltd
Antti Purhonen
Mahtavaa palvelua ja kaikki ovat asiantuntijoita.
Aulangon Tennis Court
Marko Tuhkala
Kauniilla paikalla hyvin hoidetut kentät. Aukioloaikaa voisi hieman jatkaa molemmista päistä.
Jpj Liikuntakeskus Oy
Riihimäki, Finland
Binamra Poudel
Good but expensive
Espoon Tennisseura
Tennis Tuomola
Anna Lindberg
I will recommend Eero’s tennis lessons to anyone!! He is patient and kind, and most importantly - he has humour! His tennis lessons are all about havi...
Salon Tenniskeskus Oy
Riikka Fagerström
Kaksi tenniskenttää varattavissa, asialliset perusfasiliteetit. Paikallinen seura SaTS huolehtii ja organisoi kenttävarauksia, tennisopetusta, ryhmät...
Intersport Rauma
Rauma, Finland
Sanket Kolambkar
If you are a Sporty person and love physical activity or a fitness freak This is the place you need to go for Shopping, Good price
Aroniemen Tenniskenttä
Intersport Lielahti Tampere
Tampere, Finland
Timo Vilen
Excellent service, quality garments and footwear and other goods for your sporting needs.
Kokonniemen Tenniskeskus
Toni Aittakorpi
Ihan ok
Sports Park
Anton Blomberg
A great park with a lot if sporting opportunities, can't give it higher than a three tho because of the frisbeegolf course that needs new baskets and ...
Tolkis Tennisplan
sören forsman
Helt okej underlag och gratis
Pansion Tenniskenttä
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Tuomo Joutsiniemi
Hoitamaton, mutta ilmainen tenniskenttä
Jarkko Nieminen Arena
Ella Salminen
First of all this is a fantastic place to get some easy exercise, but I just cant give the full 5 stars because I'm sure there are still better places...
Luolavuoren Tenniskenttä
Taina Vataja
Kerttulan Tenniskeskus Oy
Mehul Khati
Good overall. Nice courts. Clean washrooms. We were given some tips by staff.
Citypark Tenniscourts
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Esa Karvinen
Olen kävellyt sieltä varmasti ohi mutta en ole koskaan käynyt siellä enkä ihan tarkkaan tiedä missä se on.Olen pelannut tennistä joskus -70 luvulla.
Naantali, Finland
Askolan Tenniskentät
Askola, Finland