Helsinki, Finland
Vanhankaupungintie 3
+358 405685611
Kerbside pickup
Long story short: Do not organize your event here. We had our wedding at this venue but only had problems with the owner. Food: the owner failed to provide us with a proper vegetarian/vegan menu. In the end we decided to use another catering company. Some of the tablecloths had stains in them. Organization: the owner is very traditional and wanted to have complete control of the whole event, organizing our wedding his way. He tried to dictate how the event should be, starting from seat planning, decorations, and even the timetable and speeches. During the event he tried to prevent one speech from happening. He didn't let us test the sound system beforehand, and on the wedding day it didn't work well. Cost: the owner didn't want to clearly answer our questions about the event costs, and we had to spend a lot of time and effort to obtain a written estimation. After the event he gave us a bill that was more expensive than previously agreed adding extra costs that were not agreed beforehand. Unlike in other venues, the reservation fee is not included in the total price. Service: very very unprofessional. For example, the owner shouted at my wife on the phone, and made fun of us when we told him that we wanted to have a vegeterian menu for our guests. Overall, I can't really recommend this place to anybody.
One of the most traditional wedding places of Finland. Excellent food and service
Great place to organize weddings.
Talo täynnä historiaa; tanssia, laulua ja aseiden jakoa!
Rustiikki, hieno paikka Vanhassakaupungissa. Henkilökunta on erittäin palvelualtista ja ruoka on erinomaista, kreikkalaisin vivahtavaa. Tilat sopivat erinomaisesti perhejuhlien pitopaikaksi. Talosta huokuu 1900-luvun alun atmosfääri. Suosittelen lämpimästi!
Tunnelmallinen paikka. Hurmaava isäntä ja ruoka taivaallista. Täys kymppi
Pienimuotoiset juhlat, nätti paikka
Olin yksityistilaisuudessa. Paikka liian täynnä. Oli vaikea liikkua tästä johtuen. Valkoviini loppunut heti alkuun. Muutenkin juomapuoli surkeaEi juuri mitään tarjolla. Pankkikortilla ei voinut maksaa!Tästä paikasta jäi todella ikävä muisto.
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