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Laivakatu 5 F
+358 922880410
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Extremely irresponsible! I went to Mehilainen to do the antibody test in order to board a flight to China. Since all passengers are required to do this test within 48 hours of boarding, then send the result to the embassy of China to get a travel pass, the embassy of China has confirmed with Mehilainen that the result would be ready in 12 hours. But Mehilainen does not do the test itself, but rather sent the blood sample to Vita Laboratoriot for testing, so I guess they must get this 12 hour information from Vita Laboratoriot. However, what Vita did not tell was that this 12 hour was counting from the time they started testing the blood sample, and they are NOT doing this testing everyday! My blood sample was collected on Friday evening in Mehilainen and sent to Vita, but when Mehilainen contacted Vita for results on Saturday, Vita said that they do not do antibody test on Saturday and the next analyze day was Sunday and my result would not be ready until Sunday afternoon. I am flying Sunday afternoon and I am still waiting and hope that my result will come before my flight and do an emergency contact with the Embassy of China to get a travel pass.
Aloitin työtä viime viikolla Capapp kuljetusfirman kautta viemään korona näyteenotto Tikkurilta Hernesaaren Vita laboratoriin. Ikävä juttu yksi rasismi nainen ei kiinnostanut ulkomaalaisia ja oli ilkeä minulle, ja minä vain sanoin hänelle ettei tarvi olla näin, miksi olet rasismi, silti menin pois sieltä. Tunnin päästä pomo soitti minulle että se nainen on valittanut että emme halua tämä kuski enää, sain potkut ja nyt haen Kelalta tuki. Kun olen työtön .
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