Helsinki, Finland
Panuntie 11
+358 20433111
Wheelchair-accessible entrance
Maybe because of being occupied with a lot different projects and keeping busy YIT doesn't pay enough of attention to small details. Like maintenance of the construction objects as well as environmental issues- during ongoing works and after. When we moved into a brand new apartment built by YIT in Leppävaara, windows were very dirty, usually construction companies wash the windows after undertaken works. Also, the way they were/ are maintaining the construction area in front of our living building can be seen in the pictures. We even got construction dust inside the apartment. I was instantly getting allergies here.
YIT. Hyvä. Päämaja.
Iso kokonaisuus, helppo ajaa.
Asialliset tilat ja parkki vieraille.
YIT:n pääkonttori ei ole mikään arkkitehtuurin helmi, vaan ennemmin osoitus kustannustehokkaasta rakentamisesta, joka on Suomessa valloillaan....
Karmeaa jälkeä
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