Helsinki, Finland
Runeberginkatu 46
+358 9490716
In-store shopping
New & used cameras and camera equipment, the biggest selection of used film cameras in Helsinki. They also have all the usual 35mm and medium-format films for sale, black & white, color and slide. The freezer isn't filled very regularly so it's not 100% certain that they have the film type you need in stock. Friendly and professional service!
Tiny old school camera shop with friendly staff. Used equipment and some 35mm film in stock as of late - 16.
Kivijalkaliikkeiden helmi kamera-ammattilaiselle ja -harrastajalle. Kokemusta ja hyvää palvelua 70-luvulta saakka, kilpailukykyisillä hinnoilla.
Stadin paras.
Osaava ja palveleva foto liike.
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